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The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
Our Languages 30 Teacher Guide
This is a DRAFT guide. You will notice there are components missing. We would really appreciate any feedback as we finalize these guides. As with OLC 10 an 20 Indigenous language instruction is based on the Our Languages curriculum. The goal is that by the end of the semester (or year) of OLC-30, they will be at a capable level.
Entrance At Any Level
Students must have OLC-20 to begin OLC 30.
Minimum Requirements to pass to OLC-30
Students must obtain an 18 on the Oral Proficiency Assessment scale and a 16 on the Reading Assessment scale to pass OLC-30. The assessment must be completed by a speaker who is NOT the teacher. Contact ECE to arrange this assessment.
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