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The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA) to learning language builds networks in the brain that allow learners to develop their language skills naturally. Five principles support the NLA and the approach requires a lot of oral work. Learners are provided with models of sentences (at the beginning, fairly simple sentences) that they need, so that they may communicate in the language in authentic, real, situations (adapted from Netten and Germain, 2012).
Implications of the 5 Principles
The five principles of the NLA have implications for teaching. Learners must do most of the talking (work) in order for their brains to develop the patterns. Quiet listening is not enough.
Daddy What Do You See?
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Wordless books allow for the freedom to have lots of language used with the same book. Use the images to have conversations with your students. This is called a 'picture talk'.
Reinforce the verb ‘to see’. Question: What do you see?
On each page repeat, What do you see?
Students can state what they see on each page of the book such as, raven flying, snow, ski doo, trees etc.
Select the pages at random.
Next, 'read' the book as a counting activity. I see 1 moose, 2 lynx etc. As you get more complicated add where the animals are in the page and what they are doing (sitting, flying, hunting etc).
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